16 de junho | june 16th
Programa | Program
Trevor Workman
Clássicos no Carrilhão
1. “Voi Che Sapete” da ópera “Bodas de Fígaro” (W. A. Mozart, 1756-1791)
2. “Laudate Dominum” da Missa “Vesperae Solennes” (W. A. Mozart, 1756-1791)
Música da Inglaterra
3. “Salut d’amour” (Edward Elgar, 1857-1934)
4. “Wedgewood Blue” “English Country Dance” (Albert W. Ketèlbey, 1875 - 1959)
5. “Jerusalem”- “And did those feet in ancient times, walk upon England’s mountains green” (Hubert Parry, 1848-1918)
Interlúdio dos ABBA
6. “Super Trouper”
7. “Dancing Queen”
Voltando aos Clássicos
8. Adágio em Sol menor (Tomaso Albinoni, 1671-1751)
9. Prelúdio do Prelúdio, Fuga e Allegro, BWV 998 (J. S. Bach, 1685-1750)
Música para Carrilhão
10. Tocata em Ré menor para Carrilhão (Clifford Ball, 1899-1986)
Arranjos: n.ºs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Trevor Workman / n.º 9 - Frank Deleu
Trevor Workman
Bournville Village Trust, Birmingham, Reino-Unido
Trevor Workman foi nomeado carrilhanista pelo Bournville Village Trust em 1965, tendo estudado com Clifford Ball, que ocupava o cargo desde 1924. Clifford Ball foi o primeiro aluno fora da Bélgica a obter um diploma da Royal Carillon School em Mechelen, Bélgica, tendo recebido aulas do carrilhanista pioneiro Jef Denyn.
O Carrilhão de Bournville celebrou o seu centenário em 2006 e Trevor continua a desenvolver a “Escola de Carrilhão George Cadbury”, a primeira do género no Reino Unido, que foi inaugurada em outubro de 2006 pelo falecido Sir Adrian Cadbury. Esta iniciativa começou com o apoio da Escola Real de Carrilhão "Jef Denyn" de Mechelen e do Instituto Neerlandês de Carrilhão de Dordrecht. Trevor continua a dar recitais duas vezes por semana e foi diretor de Música e Organista na Igreja de São Francisco, em Bournville.
Em 2008, Trevor deu recitais inaugurais no Carrilhão de York Minster, Inglaterra, sendo este o primeiro carrilhão a ser instalado numa catedral anglicana inglesa, e mais tarde na Charter House Public School em Godalming, Surrey. Trevor é o ex-presidente da British Carillon Society e é ativo na promoção do carrilhão e da arte do carrilhão em Inglaterra.
Com uma longa carreira, Trevor representou a Grã-Bretanha em numerosos eventos europeus e mundiais de carrilhão. Realizou extensas digressões de recitais na Europa e nos Estados Unidos e toca regularmente na Holanda, Bélgica e França.
Em 2018, Trevor foi reconhecido pela falecida Rainha (SM Rainha Elizabeth II) quando recebeu a Medalha do Império Britânico na lista de Honras de Aniversário por “Serviços à Sociedade Britânica de Carrilhão e à Comunidade de Bournville”. Em 2019, Trevor teve a honra e o privilégio de ser convidado para ser membro do júri do “Concurso Internacional de Carrilhão Rainha Fabíola” em Mechelen, Bélgica.
Trevor Workman
Bournville Village Trust, Birmingham, UK
Trevor Workman was appointed Carillonneur by Bournville Village Trust in 1965 having studied with Clifford Ball who had occupied the position since 1924. Clifford Ball was the first student outside Belgium to gain a Diploma from the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen, Belgium, having received tuition from the pioneering Carillonneur Jef Denyn.
Bournville Carillon celebrated its Centenary in 2006 and Trevor is now continuing to develop the ‘George Cadbury Carillon School’, the first of its kind in the United Kingdom, which was opened in October 2006 by the late Sir Adrian Cadbury. This venture was initiated with assistance from the “Royal Carillon School ‘Jef Denyn’ Mechelen”, and the “Netherlands Carillon Institute Dordrecht”. Trevor continues to give twice weekly recitals and has served as Director of Music and Organist at St. Francis Church, Bournville.
In 2008, Trevor gave inaugural recitals on the Carillon of York Minster, England – this being the first carillon to be installed in an English Anglican Cathedral, and later at Charter House Public School in Godalming, Surrey. Trevor is a former President of the British Carillon Society and is active in promoting the carillon and the carillon art in England.
Having enjoyed a long career, Trevor has represented Great Britain in numerous European and World Carillon events. He has completed extensive recital tours of Europe and the United States and has played regularly in Holland, Belgium and France.
In 2018, Trevor was recognised by the late Queen (HM Queen Elizabeth II) when he received the British Empire Medal in the Birthday Honours list for ‘Services to the British Carillon Society and to the Community of Bournville’. In 2019 Trevor was honoured and privileged to be invited to be a member of the Jury for the ‘International Queen Fabiola Carillon Competition’ in Mechelen, Belgium.
O Carrilhão de Bournville Village Trust (Birmingham)
Em 1906, George Cadbury, fundador da empresa Cadbury Chocolate, instalou um carrilhão de 23 sinos em Bournville. Hoje, esse instrumento possui 48 sinos, abrangendo 4 oitavas e pesando 17,5 toneladas. O instrumento foi recentemente renovado e as duas oitavas superiores dos sinos foram substituídas em 2015.
Bournville Village Trust Carillon (Birmingham)
A 23 bell Carillon was installed in 1906 by George Cadbury, the founder of the Cadbury Chocolate business in Bournville. The Carillon is now a 4 Octave instrument with 48 bells weighing in total 17.5 tons. The instrument has recently been refurbished and the top 2 octaves of bells were replaced in 2015.